New Wattson Portable PH-8414 PH ORP Temperature Meter 3 in 1 with Battery and PH Buffer Powder



New Wattson Portable PH-8414 PH ORP Temperature Meter 3 in 1 with Battery and PH Buffer Powder DescriptionSpecification:

Range: PH 0.00~14.00PH
mV: -1999~1999mV
Temperature 0~100°C
Resolution: PH 0.01PH
mV 1mV
Temperature 1°C
Accuracy: PH ±0.01PH
mV ±0.1% of the reading ±1 digit
Temperature ±0.4°C
Input Resistance: 10¹²
Calibration: 1point or 2point
Power: 9V battery(included)
Dimensions: 166 x 76 x 46mm
Operating Conditions : Temperature 5~60°C Humidity 95%
 Package Included:

1 x Wattson Portable PH-8414 PH ORP Temperature Meter Details Pictures:

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